Category: Second trimester

When you’re pregnant AND you have a one-year-old …

When you’re pregnant AND you have a one-year-old, you sometimes (often) feel guilty. You are physically uncomfortable, with a sore back, and you get short of breath too easily. But you don’t want your toddler to suffer because of those. So you persevere. You… Continue Reading “When you’re pregnant AND you have a one-year-old …”

Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 26

Week 26 (Jan. 21 through Jan. 27)  Symptoms: Legs are aching every night, and I’ve now had to take two heartburn pills daily. The heartburn even starts in the morning some days! Body changes: Still continuing to hear that I look smaller this time around, which is nice. I’m… Continue Reading “Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 26”

Trimester smack-down

From comparing my week-by-week updates from this pregnancy and my last pregnancy, I’ve definitely noticed that I’m experiencing all the same symptoms — and at the exact same times. I had heard that boy-pregnancies and girl-pregnancies were supposedly really different, but I haven’t found… Continue Reading “Trimester smack-down”

Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 25

Week 25 (Jan. 14 through Jan. 20)  Symptoms: Difficulty sleeping! I made it this far without really having an issue sleeping, and now I fear it’s here to stay. My legs and back ache really badly, and I’m always tossing and turning. Oh, and heartburn so bad… Continue Reading “Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 25”

Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 24

Week 24 (Jan. 7 through Jan. 13)  Symptoms: Combatting the worst pregnancy symptom ever with bran muffins and lots of water. Pregnancy is so glamorous, isn’t it? Shortness of breath is hot, too. And tiredness. And snoring. Body changes: Darling Husband told me I look BIGGER this pregnancy… Continue Reading “Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 24”