Category: Religion

Confessions of a Catechist

If you had told me three weeks ago that I’d be a Catechist — a Catholic Sunday school teacher — I would have never believed you. My husband didn’t even believe me … and accused me of being high on cold medication.

My Catholic conscience

I feel too tall when we all stand up. I wish I hadn’t worn low-heeled boots. There’s a sea of white and balding heads, and then me — looming over everyone, awkwardly clasping my hands and murmuring along when I can. We’re back at… Continue Reading “My Catholic conscience”

A leap of faith

It was stressful trying to keep the kids quiet in church. It was embarrassing when all of the crotchety old people would turn around and glare at us. I was sweating bullets the whole time.

Going back

C was baptized on Sunday, at three months old. D was also baptized when he was three months old. But other than those occassions — and a few token Sundays leading up to them — as well as major religious holidays, Darling Husband and… Continue Reading “Going back”