Category: First trimester

Trimester smack-down

From comparing my week-by-week updates from this pregnancy and my last pregnancy, I’ve definitely noticed that I’m experiencing all the same symptoms — and at the exact same times. I had heard that boy-pregnancies and girl-pregnancies were supposedly really different, but I haven’t found… Continue Reading “Trimester smack-down”

Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 13

Week 13 (Oct. 22 to Oct. 28)  Symptoms: Crippling exhaustion. But that is probably because I am a ONE-WOMAN MOVING MACHINE OMG. Boxes. Unpacking. Ow. And headaches. Body changes: I think I’m officially done playing “Pregnant or just fat?” The answer is (luckily) always “pregnant.” And that is… Continue Reading “Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 13”

Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 12

Week 12 (Oct. 15 to Oct. 21)  Symptoms: Boobs are definitely bigger — not awesome-big, but better than those sad-looking, flat, post-breastfeeding disasters. Body changes: I keep reading stuff in pregnancy guides about how “your regular jeans might be getting snug.” Bite me, pregnancy guides! Now where are… Continue Reading “Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 12”

Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 11

Week 11 (Oct. 8 to Oct. 14)  Symptoms: This. But the nausea is gone! Body changes: Coming to terms with the fact that I’m practically a continent. HOPING and PRAYING that although I looked pregnant almost immediately, I will end up gaining the same (or less) as… Continue Reading “Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 11”

Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 10

Week 10 (Oct. 1 to Oct. 7)  Symptoms: Oh yeah — that again. Joy. Nausea is easing up, though! I am actually starting to resume somewhat normal eating habits. Body changes: Hi, I’m ginormous. Cravings: Oreos and milk. Pancakes. Aversions: I can eat chicken again! Woohoo! High… Continue Reading “Weekly re-cap of pregnancy #2: Week 10”