Category: The Mom Scene

The end of an era

My children have grown up smiling through the pages of newspapers across Atlantic Canada, and now they have a thick scrapbook of brightly coloured newspaper clippings to look back on — a storybook of their younger kids, captured forever on newsprint. 

New school year, new worries

Unmasked kids combined with potentially removing face mask requirements one week into the new school year, and you’ve got a perfect storm for worried, anxious parents.

Surviving the first big slumber party

Everything was going great … until it wasn’t.

I was washing the dishes when a wide-eyed child appeared in my kitchen, motioning to the backyard where six little girls had all been playing nicely just moments earlier.

“You’d better get out there,” she told me darkly. “People are sad.”

Summer brings new guilt for working parents

The guilt trip always comes at bedtime. “You’re always working. I feel like I never see you!” There are tears, too. Our daughter only just turned nine, but she already knows how to twist the knife.

Hair donation leads to lesson in misgendering

Instead of “boy” or “girl,” it’s just as easy to say “child” or “kid” or “student” or “person.” It’s also just as easy to refer to someone as “they” if you don’t know their preferred pronouns. It gets easier the more you do it, too.