Category: Parenting

How our kids call and text without a phone plan

Now that our kids are full-fledged tweens (10 and 12 years old), we needed a reliable way to reach them on their hand-me-down phones.

Covid didn’t care that we were careful

I’d spent the last two years feeling like I was constantly disappointing my children in the name of “staying safe.” Our reward should have been to avoid it, but Covid found us anyway.

Simplified Christmas gift system

Our family's Christmas Gift System {Heather's Handmade Life}

Without this Christmas gift system, I really feel like it would be difficult to know where to stop. I’d probably keep picking things up because they were cute, or fun, or a good price, etc. until I had way too much.

The end of an era

My children have grown up smiling through the pages of newspapers across Atlantic Canada, and now they have a thick scrapbook of brightly coloured newspaper clippings to look back on — a storybook of their younger kids, captured forever on newsprint. 

New school year, new worries

Unmasked kids combined with potentially removing face mask requirements one week into the new school year, and you’ve got a perfect storm for worried, anxious parents.