Category: Preggo-ness

Gifts a new mom REALLY wants

It started when my sister innocently sent a group text asking for ideas on what to gift a new mom — like BRAND-NEW, still-in-the-hospital new. I had some ideas. She ended up taking my first idea — a gift certificate for a restaurant where… Continue Reading “Gifts a new mom REALLY wants”

The unexpected pregnancy test

While I was cleaning up some folders, I found one loaded with photos. All photos of a pregnancy test and the box, taken from various angles. I was like … WTF?! What was this fr– OHHHH right. That. They weren’t from the time I… Continue Reading “The unexpected pregnancy test”

Throwing a baby shower for your bestie

Throwing a baby shower can’t possibly be more than sitting everyone in a circle and cooing over ducky onesies and impossibly tiny sneakers, right? Well, there’s a bit more to it — like the guest list, food, games, gifts and general hosting duties. Not… Continue Reading “Throwing a baby shower for your bestie”

How do you decide when you’re done having children?

How do you know when you're done having children?

When you get married, you’re harassed about when you’ll start popping out babies. Once you have one child, you’re bugged about when you’ll have a second little bundle of joy. But it gets really interesting once you have two children. If you have two… Continue Reading “How do you decide when you’re done having children?”

The leap from two to three

When you are married without kids, everyone knows you are constantly harassed to have a baby. That’s just common knowledge. And do you know what happens once you DO have that baby? Yup, you get asked when you’re having a second one. The trick… Continue Reading “The leap from two to three”