
I started this blog in 2009, under the name Laptops To Lullabies, when I was newly married and obsessively looking forward to getting pregnant and starting our family.

I worked full-time in the corporate world, but dreamed of someday building my writing career while being at home with our children.

got pregnant with our son, and once he was born, I was more determined than ever to be able to stay at home with him. I started freelancing when he was three months old to build up some clients, and was able to continue freelancing exclusively once my maternity leave ended.

To cut down expenses, we sold our city condo and bought a house an hour away in a small town.

Freelancing was trickier after I got pregnant again with our daughter, and had to return to work just a few weeks after she was born. Trying to do interviews and write articles with a one-year-old and a newborn while recovering from a C-section? Do not recommend it.

My husband was working two jobs at the time, so I was mostly home alone with two babies and no vehicle. Those early years were hard. I started digging into my own mental health and writing about my struggles. Every time I did, I’d hear from at least one person who needed to hear it.

You can read about my life as a young mom right here on the blog (and in the newspaper columns I wrote over the years). Sometimes, I’ll scroll back just to read stories I don’t remember about teeth falling out and plans going wrong and all the funny things the kids said when they were little.

This blog is a time capsule of the last 15 years. Even though I don’t blog nearly as much as I once did, these stories live on.

These days, our son is 13 and our daughter is 11. My husband is down to one job, we own two vehicles, and we spend far too much time driving the kids to a million activities. We still love our little house on top of the hill, but talk about maybe buying a hobby farm someday.

I don’t freelance anymore. I’m busier than ever with a full-time career in marketing and my goal of becoming a published author, and I’m excited every day to see where both paths take me.

This is a blog about parenting and pregnancy and dreaming of what could be.

This is a blog about making a cozy home and building a marriage and living on a budget.

This is a blog about building a career and struggling with guilt and fighting for your mental health and making time for your own dreams.

This blog started as the story of someone who dreamed of being a wife and a mom and a writer, and now it’s the story of what happens next.