Category: Baby Boy

Remembering the ‘baby bubble’

Something in our conversation startled me. I leaned back in my desk chair reflectively, like an old lady in a rocking chair thinking back on her life. “Of course. Mum-Mums,” I thought to myself. “Those awful, sticky, lighter-than-air baby cookies. They made such a… Continue Reading “Remembering the ‘baby bubble’”

Mommy Confession: My toddler embarrasses me in public

I mentioned in my last weekly re-cap that I’ve been having some rough times with the toddler. And, wow, yeah, I have. It sucks. I don’t know if it’s an early onset of the Terrible Twos, or if he’s cranky because he’s not feeling… Continue Reading “Mommy Confession: My toddler embarrasses me in public”

Astrology fun

So the new baby will be a Taurus — a lovely, um, bull. I did a little research, and it turns out that if astrology plays a part, the new baby is only highly-compatible with Darling Husband (a Scorpio). Me (Leo) and the Toddler (Gemini)?… Continue Reading “Astrology fun”

Pink or blue?

Today’s the day of our gender-reveal ultrasound! Squeeeeeeeeee! I’ll be posting the results here later on, as soon as I’ve notified all of the real-life peeps (grandparents, friends, Facebookers, etc.) OMG I am dying of suspense! I bet you are, too, right?

Hamburger or Turtle?!?!

My hospital ultrasound is this morning. Fellow Canadians know what I mean by that. By “hospital ultrasound” I mean “the actual medical ultrasound where they won’t tell you ANYTHING (like the sex of your baby) and will get PISSY if you dare ask them… Continue Reading “Hamburger or Turtle?!?!”