Weekly re-cap

(March 28 to April 3)

Symptoms: Swollen ankles, the-semi-cold, pressure on my bladder when I walk around, clumsiness.

Body changes: I think Mom put it best, when she saw me yesterday and her eyes bugged out. “You … you look bigger than you did when I saw you a week ago! … And it’s so low!”

Belly button: Still in (barely) and very small/wrinkled. Everyone’s guessing that it’s in to stay, and that’s fine by me!

Baby movement: Feeling the occasional lurch/roll, but more often it’s just kicks from hands/feet/elbows/knees (pffft, like I can tell them apart). Sometimes it feels more light and tingly, and I like to think those are his fingers or toes just brushing against me. For the zillionth time, I wish I had an at-home ultrasound machine.
What’s new? I’ve only started noticing the dropsies this week. It’s annoying! CAN’T. BEND. DOWN. TO. RETRIEVE. UGH.

Energy level: Going downhill fast.

Baby preparations: Nursery is totally done and stocked. We have the travel system and Playard, and are just waiting for the glider to arrive.
Cravings: Nothing noticeable this week. Although Darling Husband made us strawberry shortcakes last night, and they were freaking incredible. I had two. Mmmmm.
High point: Getting the last major item we needed — the Playard — and setting it up in our bedroom. I was thrilled to get it on sale for $97, and it’s so exciting to see it all set up and waiting for Baby Boy.

Low point: The low-ness of the baby has made walking really uncomfortable sometimes. It makes me want to hunch over forward and grab the underside of my belly — which basically means touching my crotch — because it’s like having a sack of potatoes shoved into the top of your underwear. Beautiful imagery, right?

So what do you think?