Weekly re-cap

(May 2 – May 8)

Symptoms: Swollen ankles and feet, leg pain, dizziness, trouble sleeping, feeling like the baby is going to fall out, pregnancy brain.

Body changes: Nothing really seems to have changed.

Belly button: Still in and very small/wrinkled. When I look at it in a mirror, I can see that there are a couple of dark patches around it (I guess from the “inside” skin now appearing on the outside?)

Baby movement: More squirming and shifting. During the day, it’s usually just the occassional movement that causes me to go, “Oof!” In the evenings, however, he can really get going and start squirming enough to make it hurt!
What’s new? I start maternity leave tomorrow! Crazy!

Energy level: Low. Bedtime is more like 8:30 p.m. now, on most nights.

Baby preparations: Still begging Darling Husband to install the carseat base. It was supposed to be done a month before our due date, so it’s the first milestone we have (ahem, he has) missed.
Cravings: Sour cream and popsicles. But not together, ew.
High point: Having less than a month to go, and getting to answer the when-are-you-due question with “The seventh,” instead of “June 7.”

Low point: Major sleeping problems. Getting me prepared for the sleepless nights to come — that’s for sure!

So what do you think?