Sausage fingers and numb hands

Monday, May 24, 2010

38 weeks, 1 day pregnant
Did I mention, somewhere in my foggy pregnant ramblings, that I finally had to take off my engagement ring and wedding band? Stupid fat fingers.
The engagement ring was the first to go (since it’s a tiny bit tighter) a few weeks ago. I fought long and hard to keep the wedding band for as long as possible, but it came off last week.
I probably could have kept them on, since I know there are lots of people who can’t get their rings off due to extra weight, but I didn’t want to chance it. I’ve always been traumatized by those gym-teacher lectures about having to take a saw to your finger to slice off your ring if you get hurt in volleyball. Since, you know, I’m playing so much volleyball these days.
So I am ring-less, and it is probably for the best. My fingers are usually normal, but they plump up at random times (super-attractive) and feel stiff and gross. And my hands are going numb a lot, which is apparently caused by my (pregnancy-induced) bad circulation.
It’s definitely fun when I wake up in the middle of the night to pee, and realize I have to wait a minute until the feeling returns to my numb hands, so I can grasp toilet paper, flush, etc.
Um, WHEN is this magical time coming to an end?

So what do you think?