Babies of the iPhone

Over the weekend, during the activities and dinners surrounding Best Friend’s wedding, I got to spend some time with her adorable nieces.

These kids completely dazzled me — and everyone around them — for three reasons:
  • They are always sweet and polite
  • They are absolutely beautiful
  • They are unbelievably smart
The third reason was really the most impressive. These girls — aged two and four — were using iPhone apps like pros!
I am completely serious. I had no idea there were childrens’ applications for the iPhone — as I am a BlackBerry girl myself — so I was blown away. Their tiny little fingers were gliding expertly over the screen, dropping puzzle pieces into place like they’d been doing it for years.
You can get mazes, math games, animal games, dress-up games, virtual pets, hair salon games, games about starting a small business. Many of them have free trial versions, and the full versions usually cost a dollar or two, at most.
“I am going to need an iPhone,” I hissed to Darling Husband at one dinner, as the two-year-old was quietly playing her puzzle game on her mom’s iPhone. “Look at that!”
I’m not a huge video gamer, and I don’t like it when kids are obsessed with them — my mom always called my cousin a “vid-iot.” But there are times when you need something to keep your kids quiet — dinners, line-ups, etc. — and handing them your phone is pretty convenient.
Darling Husband just rolled his eyes at my request, but really, I am totally serious. I will need an iPhone then. Otherwise, what’s our kid going to do on my BlackBerry? Play Brickbreaker?
Maybe they can help me move pass Level Five …

So what do you think?