Tag: The Mom Scene

To the child-free people I’ve judged before: I’m sorry

To all the child-free people I’ve judged before: I was wrong and I’m sorry.

In my 20s, I couldn’t imagine why anyone would ever choose not to have children. I’m guilty of having asked newlyweds when they’re going to start trying and attempting to cajole people into having even just one. Even worse, I didn’t take people seriously when they said they weren’t having kids. I’d continue to lament that so-and-so would make an amazing parent, clucking that it was such a shame and deciding they’d likely change their mind.

Teaching kids about giving | #GivingTuesday

Teaching kids about giving {Heather's Handmade Life}

Somewhere in the dreary descriptions of Pa’s hollowed-out cheeks and endless meals of nothing but coarse brown bread, it clicked for the kids. The Ingalls family was going hungry. We’ve been working our way through the Little House on the Prairie series, with me… Continue Reading “Teaching kids about giving | #GivingTuesday”

How to know what your kids want for Christmas

How to know what your kids want for Christmas {Heather's Handmade Life}

The messages were beeping in, one after another, until I clicked over to the Facebook thread between me and a few friends to see what the panic was. It was not an emergency. It was that no one had any idea what to get… Continue Reading “How to know what your kids want for Christmas”